
Your Therapist

My name is Lindsay O'Mahoney and I am the owner of Shooting Star Pediatric Physical Therapy.

I have been a physical therapist for more than 18 years with experience in a variety of pediatric settings including schools, hospital-based clinics, a private practice clinic, and inpatient. I earned a Bachelor of Science in kinesiology and a Master of Physical Therapy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from children of all ages with various diagnoses and backgrounds. I am a registered Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) practitioner (completed Introductory Levels A and B). I love what I do and cannot imagine doing anything else. I enjoy the creativity and challenges involved in planning pediatric therapy sessions, being able to play (and call it "work"), and how rewarding it is to watch a child make progress. Witnessing the bright proud smile on a child’s face after the incredible effort they put into mastering a difficult skill is one of the best parts of my job.

Why am I a good fit for your child?

Improving your child’s movement provides opportunities for your child to gain confidence, interact with others, and explore the environment. My intentions for your child’s sessions are to form a trusting connection with your child, challenge your child in unique ways, and empower your family with new knowledge and skills to continue to progress your child’s gross motor development after the sessions are complete. I believe that you know your child best and it is important for us to work as a team to meet your child’s specific needs.

I am a mother of two sons, therefore I understand how busy life can be with kids and how valuable your family’s time is. I would be grateful to have the opportunity to meet your incredible child and learn how to best support them to reach their full potential.

Get started with Shooting Star, today.